Abbots Ripton & Wennington
Abbots Ripton Parish Council comprises 6 councillors. The Parish Council represents the interests of the local Abbots Ripton and Wennington village community and residents within the overall Parish boundary.
Parish Council meetings are normally held bi monthly on a Tuesday in the Village Hall and members of the public are welcome. Agendas and Minutes for the current year can be found under the tabs above.
Items of interest and links to official sites for Planning Applications and Local Road Closures can be found under the Village Information tab.
Members contact details can be found on the Parish Council page; whilst enquiries and guidance can be found by contacting the Clerk. We hope you find our website both useful and informative. We are always looking to improve our service, any comments or suggestions you may have regarding this site are most welcome.

VACANCY at Abbots Ripton Parish Council
Alconbury Weald Report